- Rain and moisture
- UV rays from the sun
- Coastal salt spray
- Seasonal temperature changes
The strongest name in clear protection. Choose from gloss, semi-gloss or satin finishes, to beautify your interior and exterior wood surfaces for years with no cracking or peeling.
Use on wood that needs protection from water, such as:
- Exterior entry doors
- Garage doors
- Shutters, hand rails and trim
- Outdoor furniture
- Interior window sills and frames
- Wood trim on boats (above the water line)
- Wood projects, such has bird houses, mailboxes, planters, lamp posts
Man O’ War Marine Spar Varnish gives the ultimate protection to your interior and exterior wood surfaces. Unlike polyurethane clear finishes which become brittle, crack and peel when used outdoors, this marine quality varnish remains flexible and absorbs the expanding and contracting seasonal movement of the wood. This clear finish is formulated with ultra violet absorbers to resist the sun’s degrading rays and protect the wood’s natural appearance. This tough finish is ideal for heavy use surfaces.